Blocks (Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga style) By: DStar99
A variety of custom blocks in the style of Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga (Also containing a big version of Mario's standard overworld sprite). If used in any project, please give credit.
Type Info
Format Sprite Sheets Sprites and animation frames saved in a static image medium.
Contents Edited Modification of existing sprites.

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[O] Created: Dec 29 2024, 5:18 AM
[O] Updated: Never
[O] File Size: 15.85 KB
[O] Views: 18595
[O] Downloads: 584
[O] Favorites: 1
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Jan 12 2025, 6:51 PM
I like this! There aren't many block sprites to use in Superstar Saga, so it's nice to have more options! I especially like the SM64 blocks! If I have any criticisms, it's that the whites don't stand out too much in the yellow blocks, but it's not really much of an issue and probably the best you can do with the palette available. The big Mario sprite is quite a nice bonus, even if his legs look a bit skinny.
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