Super Mario 2009: The Stars Story DEMO
By: Gardevoir [W]
Darn it! The Shroobs have returned! With their newest weapon, the Power-draining Machine, they attack the Toads, capturing many of them and even capture Peach! And does this all have something to do with the 1000-years old Myth of the Stars?

Luckily Mario's still there, so he has to stop Princess Shroob before everything is lost!

This demo is still really glitchy, and I'm working on that. Anyway, feel free to report any glitches!

Completion: Demo Genre: Platform
Franchise: Mario

Update History
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[O] Created: Nov 5 2009, 7:21 PM
[O] Updated: Never
[O] File Size: 12.94MB
[O] Views: 16540
[O] Downloads: 4836
[O] Plays: 0
[O] Favorites: 0


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Nov 5 2009, 7:28 PM
Yeah, I maybe went a little overboard with the storyline.... Don't complain about bugs listed in the Known Issues section (Readme.txt) unless you can help me fix them.

There's still a lot on my todo list. That includes fixing the background/view chops at the start of a room, improving the ground pounds and more. Please vote at which level you like most.

EDIT: Bugfix release coming.

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Dec 3 2009, 12:24 AM
I love the black squrrel tilsets...
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Mar 27 2010, 8:35 PM
I can't get on the website you told in the comments!
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Mar 29 2010, 10:10 PM
Here is a tip for making Hello games. Try to start off with a level other than grassland. For example, maybe try fire, ice, water, wind, you name it. Also, make it so that players can skip the storyline easier.
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Mar 30 2010, 12:52 AM
Quote (Towelie231 on Mar 29 2010, 10:10 PM)
Here is a tip for making Hello games. Try to start off with a level other than grassland. For example, maybe try fire, ice, water, wind, you name it. Also, make it so that players can skip the storyline easier.
It's his game. If he wants the game to start off with a grassland, level, he has the right to do that.
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Mar 31 2010, 7:42 AM
Quote (Towelie231 on Mar 29 2010, 10:10 PM)
Here is a tip for making Hello games. Try to start off with a level other than grassland. For example, maybe try fire, ice, water, wind, you name it. Also, make it so that players can skip the storyline easier.

Its no hello game, and also it's a really old version that I canceled. I'm now using flash cs4 and I'm working on an Super Mario 2010 flash game that will be much better than this.
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Mar 31 2010, 9:41 PM
Quote (Wiiboy4ever on Mar 30 2010, 12:52 AM)
It's his game. If he wants the game to start off with a grassland, level, he has the right to do that.

Of course he has the right to make the game how he wants it to be, but I was only trying to give him suggestions. All the better reasons to encourage his creative incentives, isn't it?

To me it did look like a Hello game, but I guess I was wrong. Things aren't always what they seem.

Not necessarily a bad game though.
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Apr 3 2010, 1:49 AM
Tip: Don't use the main Black Squirrel tiles with a Hello Engine game.
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Apr 3 2010, 11:35 PM
Nice for a beginner though.I feel jealous. :( Edit: i read the whole read me and saw that you used several mario engines to make this.
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Sep 8 2010, 4:50 PM
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Oct 23 2010, 7:02 PM
Like I said earlier, this version of the game is canned. Super Mario 2010 will be released in a few months. It is made in flash, and I wanted to release it earlier, but dang it, my laptop crashed. Expect it to come soon.

SM2010 will have as less bugs as possible. This game is made in my earlier stages of game making, plus GM has some quirks which really annoy me.

In the new version, the game will have better controls, less glitches, 120 stars plus 7 Grand Stars, 6 playable characters (Mario, Luigi, Toad, Toadette, Wario, Waluigi) with each their unique power, the ability to ride Yoshi, an improved, expanded story (Mario comes back from vacation, Bowser and Lakithunder attack the castle, Princess Shroob attacks the world, Lakithunder turns out to be good, the heroes use the Grand Stars to destroy the Shroobs, etc.), many cool features in the levels (including vertical-scrolling levels, weather effects that will affect the gameplay/level, SMW-style pipe cannons, side-scrolling levels, etc.), tons of unique enemies and more.
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