Review Information
Game Reviewed Mario Mini Game Madness, by Superadammario
Review Author Parakarry
Created Sep 27 2003, 3:02 AM

General Commentary and Game Overview
Oh my goodness. This game is one of the worst, most generic pieces of TGF to ever breathe on MFGG and make it this far.
Pros Secret password to another level
Cons Too many to list...
1 / 10
Oh, don't get me started on this. But you clicked the link to this review so here I go. The gameplay is the most copy-and-pasted level design in the fangame world. Several games are mechanically the EXACT SAME as another only with one new thing. It's very, very bad. And worst of all, some levels make you fight what should be called the "bouncing Bowser", otherwise known as the Bowser sprite that bounces across the room on bouncing ball movement. While you jam the fire button. It's the most unimaginative and cop-out boss I can fathom. To show insight to the awfulness, here's some of the games: Surfing Challenge: Move on bottom, shoot fireballs at enemies above. Coin challenge: Collect the coins scattered about in the worst level design immaginable. Yoshi Adventure: Reach end of stage while firing shells at enemies, some of which walk on air. Mario's Sky Adventure: 8 directional Mario shoots at enemies on screen. Mario Pong: Better known as what not to do in a pong game. 8D bouncing Mario attacks bricks above, collisions send Mario in random directions. That means expect left-and-right. Sea Quest: EXACT SAME gameplay as Mario Surfing, only background changes and you can move in 8D. Mario Adventure: Crappy Mario platformer. Mario 3D: SMRPG sprites in 8D movement shoot all enemies. I'm sorry I've had to make this long but I had to reitterate that this is the most banal, most cop-out gameplay I've ever seen in a minigame collection.
3 / 10
Normal ripped Mario graphics and stuff from libs. That's the end of the good though. All the stuff other than Mario himself is rezised often. Bad clashing of size. The backgrounds: Besides the one game the SMW background is used in, there's... single color backgrounds. Then there's terrible gradient backgrounds, which are actually needlessly composed of three solid backgrounds. The gradient tool is right there! And on some levels, white background! And one level has white on the bottom and gradient on the top. I absolutely hate the level design in this game.
4 / 10
Recycled music we've all heard before. And if I ever hear that "plink plink" fireball again...
1 / 10
Not in the least at all. Play them once and you'll never play them again.
Final Words
2 / 10
A collection of carbon copy minigames or games that lack in everything. Steer very clear. Unless extremely curious.

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