Review Information
Game Reviewed Paper Bowser World: Operation G.R.O.M., by toodles_team
Review Author ShadowLuigi64
Created Sep 16 2008, 7:09 PM

General Commentary and Game Overview
Yet another Fan-Made game by the Toodles Team! Featuring the same moves from the original game and some new funny moves only seen in Operation G.R.O.M.! And theres... wait... bah just read on while I try to remember what I was gonna say.
Pros +New Moves!
+Easy Moves
+Great Gameplay
+Great Music/Sounds
+Less Lag
+New Characters
+New Enemies
+More Pros than the last game
+Less Cons than the last game
+More stuff for me to talk about
+Another Review to keep me busy
Cons -Glitches
-Confusing Stuff
-Still Laggy
10 / 10
Gameplay is AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! New Characters, Enemies, Bosses, Funny Stuff, and uh... a weird guy. It starts off with Bowser in his Castle... as usual. Then he hears that Peach got kidnapped again, by the new X-Naut leader, Mr. W. HE then sets off on another Fun-Filled journey with a bunch of enemies, bosses, levels, funny text, and Phil Boards! Face-In-The-Box also returns, turning over a new leaf and leaving behind his crabby attitude. He will give you a password at the end of each world. When you start the game again after he tells you that and you get your first password, the game will ask for a password. Type in the password that he gave you to start on the world where you left off! Cool, huh? Keep on reading on... I still cant remember what I was gonna say. -.-
10 / 10
Graphics are better than the last game, with some sprites from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, and Super Paper Mario. Graphics also cause less lag now, making more room for Playtime! ...Just keep reading. I'll tell you when I remember.
10 / 10
Sound is way better as well! Also from PMTTYD and SPM. Music is definitely better, but you know. Paper Mario music isn't that good, but PMTTYD and SPM are way better.
10 / 10
Like the other Toodles Team games, I just cant put them down! Addicting... So Addicting... Too Addicting... WAAAY Too Addicting...
Final Words
10 / 10
Oh! I remembered now! I was gonna tell you the password for world 5 but I changed my mind. Too bad. Oh well. Toodles Team has made another Masterpiece that will keep you on the computer for... hmm... about 3 hours for the game. Replay will keep you on for... 2 months. Good luck getting off this game. Now for my signature speech for good games, Click the Download/View button. What are you waiting for?

No Icon
Sep 17 2008, 7:59 PM
And the pass for world -1 is... nevermind. Me aint goin tell.
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