Review Information
Game Reviewed Super Mario Bros 3000, by JeremyBurns
Review Author Frankyboy5
Created Mar 20 2007, 12:49 AM

General Commentary and Game Overview
SMB3000 seems very promising game. Let's hope it will be even better.
Pros *Good engine
*Excellent graphics
Cons *If you fire the fireballs and keep holding the fire button Mario will keep firing fireballs.
9 / 10
As mentioned, I did not like the thing when you hold the fire button and Mario keeps firing fireballs, hammers, or flap his bunny ears etc. Other than that, the game is great.
8 / 10
Nothing that intresting here. The sprites are from SMB3 and are not very colorful. However, I liked the self-made design of the map. There is also parallax scrolling.
9 / 10
Some of the soundtrack is from SMRPG, and feels good sometimes, but odd other times.
7 / 10
Because it's only a demo, some parts seem to be messed up.
Final Words
9 / 10
Overall, this game is pretty good, but it may need some minor tweaks before being released.

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