Review Information
Game Reviewed Toad Strikes Back, by Thunder Dragon
Review Author GeneralGuy
Created Oct 30 2007, 8:25 PM

General Commentary and Game Overview
Toad Strikes Back originally appeared as a demo version years ago. Although it contained few levels presented in a non-traditional fashion, it was absolutely excellent. Completed as of yesterday, I now consider this to be the greatest piece of work on the internet.

Generally speaking, this fangame is flawless is every way imaginable. In fact, this can be compared to the official 16-bit Super Mario 2, created by Nintendo.
Pros *Excellent visuals
*MP3 quality music and sound
*50 huge and creative levels
*Introductory screen
*RPG + Platformer gameplay
*Static engine with basic functions programmed extremely well
*Game Over
*Boss battles
*Optional progress and secret areas
*...And much more!
Cons Nothing
10 / 10
Quite honestly, it felt as if Nintendo personally aided in this game's success. Every action and function that appeared in Super Mario Brothers 2 was present in this, along with a variety of new elements. The ability to save your progress significantly increases the overall value of this treasure.The static engine was amazing. It was extremely smooth and supported so many features that are not found in the majority of mario fangames. This is why TSB is such a unique game in it's own respect.
10 / 10
16-bit graphics from various game found their way into this fangame. Seriously, the visuals were beautiful, and nearly devoured me into a videogame fantasy world. The vibrant graphics and transitions in many hues and colors were just amazing.
10 / 10
The music and sounds were very nice, considering that they were ripped directly from the official games. Everything matched the scenario and actions accordingly, and overall, I felt that these were MP3 quality.
10 / 10
Secret areas and progress to be established within 50 levels of an epic adventure as a Toad? Unlike the majority of other fangames, this work is actually fun and addicting. Not to mention that saving and RPG elements are essential to the replay value.
Final Words
10 / 10
We've all been waiting for this epic saga to be released in all it's glory, and now we can truely experience what I call the greatest fangame on the internet.

No Icon
Nov 7 2007, 9:32 PM
No cons huh? There's not a single annoyance in this game? That can't be possible.
No Icon
Nov 26 2007, 7:58 PM
epic saga? that's the first time I've seen saga applied to a single game as opposed to a series. and there would be one, single annoyance I suppose, the health bar. health bars don't feel like mario games.

good though, awesome boss fights.
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