Review Information
Game Reviewed Super Mario PC, by kikweb3
Review Author GameStar
Created Sep 27 2003, 3:02 AM

General Commentary and Game Overview
I, personally, thought that this was boring after a while. Yes, it started out very well, but it just doesn't cut it after a while- the game doesn't get any more exciting than what you see at the beginning. So just play the game for a while and see what you get out of it- I found it dull and tedious afetr some plays with it.
Pros Very nice level design; fun to play at beginning
Cons Gets boring very shortly; Not enough powerups or things to keep you interested; too many levels, no bosses; in FRENCH!!!
6 / 10
Very boring after a while, but I'm sure you will find great fun in the beginning! Enjoy for about 2 worlds and then it's off 2 the Recycle Bin. But there IS something fun in here- a Yoshi Bonus Round. I love this- nice job. But one thing: please make a translated version! I don't know French and I really wanna know what the heck Toad is saying to me! :)
3 / 10
Okay, I think that Mario sprite is edited though- but badly. Not too bad, but pretty n00b-like if you ask me.
7 / 10
Err! Only ONE midi for each world?!? &(*$!!! Come on- I gotta give kikweb3 credit for his custom-made music- but it's so REPETITIVE!!! Otherwise, nice job kikweb. :)
4 / 10
No, it's just not that fun...
Final Words
7 / 10
This game was okay, but it shows that kikweb3 is definitely a n00b... oh well. If a sequel comes out, it should have more interesting levels with better enemies and more powerups- oh, and it should be more fast-paced: that's another reason why it's not so great. Nice try, kikweb!

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Joey Apples
Aug 4 2009, 6:36 PM
Who the **** was I to call anyone a noob?



*calls the wambulance*
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