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Dec 3 2024, 6:02 PM
Yay! Thanks for the sale! Now I can use my zero dollar bills!

In all seriousness, it seems that the games have been missing out on the updates lately. Has the issue been looked into? It feels like the main site has been struggling in recent times; not only this, but also some of the older games still have incorrect average scores.
1 like from: AveCoo
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Dec 3 2024, 10:45 PM
Finally a good offer
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Dec 8 2024, 11:13 PM
@Q-Nova I agree that those are both pretty significant issues - especially with games not showing up in MFGG mainsite updates. After all, telling people when new games get accepted is a big part of why we have mainsite updates in the first place.

I haven't found the root cause yet, unfortunately. Let's see if I (or someone else on MFGG) can dig deeper later this month - I hope I'll have a bit more free time to work on things like that.
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