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[DL] SMBW SMB2-Styled Ground Tileset By: Fried Fries
a tileset of SMBW's First World (Pipe Rock Plateau) in the very first levels of the game. i merged some of SMB2 elements and put them into one. Please make sure you give credit to me if you are gonna use this sheet.
Downloads: 858
Added: 07/25/24
[DL] Super Mario Bros. New Ground Background By: Fried Fries
A slight modification of series of backgrounds for the New ground tileset.
Downloads: 959
Added: 07/11/24
[DL] Super Mario Bros. Styled New Ground Tileset By: Fried Fries
A slightly remade tileset of the Overworld theme. You can take credit if you wanted, but its very nice to include.
Downloads: 1337
Added: 07/08/24
[DL] Pokemon Mystery Dungeon-Styled Map Pack By: Fried Fries
My very first submission. This is a starter pack for one of the games from GBA called: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team released in 2005. I used some inspiration from a web that had some of these styled maps. Credits to Endless Tetris for the ...
Downloads: 803
Added: 07/04/24
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