Nov 6 2020, 6:06 PM See Page
Quote (nevik2798 on Nov 5 2020, 8:52 PM)
One thing I noticed is that, when you go to the desert area the game experiences a sudden framerate drop that doesn't go away. Is it just my pc?

This is due to the size of the level, incidentally. Higher power PCs will have less framedrop troubles (obviously) but that is primarily due to my poor memory optimization. If I had developed this game with the intent of it being what it is now, I would surely have split the level up more.
As for a solution, try playing the game in smaller aspect ratios (this will decrease the size of the actively updated play area) as well as turning off fullscreen if you use it. Fullscreen scales the game and scaling in java graphics2d is quite expensive. In the event that you are playing in 1:1 and fullscreen off, however, there isn't much I can do.
Nov 5 2020, 1:33 PM See Page
Quote (Proking235 on Nov 5 2020, 12:27 AM)
I haven't played enough of this game yet to review it, but already I hate it. The controls are some of the worst controls ever. period. Mario moves way too slow, but when you dive, he suddenly gets a massive boost of speed and launches off of any platform you're standing on. Speaking of the dive, it barely even works. literally half of the time I try to dive Mario starts a ground pound and then cancels it into a downward hat throw. on the opposite end of the response spectrum is the side flip, which is way too easy to do. every single time, and I mean, EVERY, SINGLE, TIME, You try to turn and jump Mario will side flip. This is really annoying when I try to jump and move backwards to stop the momentum I get from landing with a dive, only for Mario just side flip and I fall off the platform anyway. Actually, scratch it being annoying when trying to correct for a dive, it's absolutely infuriating any time when I just want to turn and jump at the same time and Mario leaps valiantly off of the platform I'm standing on. Adding onto this is the fact that the game gives no direction at all to the player, so I'm getting overloaded with objectives at every single corner, and you have a game I don't want to play at all.

Thanks for the criticism. You make a lot of valid points that I agree with. Its no consolation now but to address your points:
** The base movement speed can be increased. A fear of mine was that the special moves (e.g. long jump) would be useless since there is no incentive to build speed. I see that was a bad call.
** As for the dive / hip drop failures, Ive never had that happen to me. The move is programmed such that pressing X at any point during the hip drop will cause a dive. Only after landing should it cancel a down throw. I will investigate further.
** As for the sideflip issue, I can simply make it harder to "skid". That should fix the issue there.
** As for the lack of player direction I think you will need to play more (sounds like im saying "it gets better x hours in" but...). There is an NPC in the level next to the first that pushes you towards the final objectives (15 star coins, desert->ice land->twilight tower), but going to sakura first might cause players to miss him temporarily. Repositioning him would require major changes to that level so I am adverse to doing that... I will make the lower route more appealing and see if that helps.
These changes will be implemented in 1.0.4 along with any other complaints in the upcoming week. Again, Im always striving to make better games so this was very helpful. Thank you