Wario Land: 30 Golden Bombs
By: Magnemania
It's time to go on a treasure hunt! A WARIO treasure hunt! But not just any WARIO treasure hunt; it's a treasure BOMB hunt! This desert cavern's got tons of tiny, tiny micro-stages, but you gotta complete each one before the bomb goes KABOOM, kapeesh? And even if you manage to complete it before the bomb blows, you'll get a shrimpy SILVER one if you didn't do it fast enough. Don't settle for silver! Go for gold! Go for GREED!

Use A/Left Arrow Key and D/Right Arrow Key to move, Space to jump, and F4 to toggle fullscreen.

Slightly improved over the MFGG Minigame Competition 37 release, now including a reward for getting all 30 Golden Bombs.
Completion: Full Game Genre: Action
Franchise: Mario

Update History
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[O] Created: Aug 20 2013, 3:10 AM
[O] Updated: Never
[O] File Size: 8.34MB
[O] Views: 21955
[O] Downloads: 3751
[O] Plays: 0
[O] Favorites: 0


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Aug 24 2013, 8:02 PM
This was pretty fun. Getting all the gold bombs might take a while, though, so I would suggest adding a save system.
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Ryan Silberman
Aug 25 2013, 12:42 AM
Wow! This game is pretty fun!
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