M&L BiS Beanie By: AzureTranquility95
Beanie done in M&L3 style. By AzureTranquility. Give credit when used, but feel free to edit and make your own poses and such.
Type Info
Format Sprite Sheets Sprites and animation frames saved in a static image medium.
Contents Original Sprites that are made completely from scratch.

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[O] Created: Sep 2 2012, 1:22 PM
[O] Updated: Never
[O] File Size: 5.89 KB
[O] Views: 5437
[O] Downloads: 2139
[O] Favorites: 0
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MarioBros 101
Sep 12 2012, 4:49 AM
Its nostrils shouldn't be that low.
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Sep 12 2012, 9:53 PM
Quote (MarioBros 101 on Sep 11 2012, 9:49 PM)
Its nostrils shouldn't be that low.

Yes it should. Look on so you should know better.
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Sep 14 2012, 5:48 PM
Heh. I used the M&L sprites as a references, so they're pretty similar.
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Sep 22 2012, 6:14 AM
remember: beanie is form M&L:SS.
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Ridge Troopa
Oct 8 2012, 7:26 PM
Not bad! This is a good start.
The shape is all right, but you have a lot of readability issues with the shading on the teeth and eyes. Because of the way you outlined and shaded them, it's hard to see what is where. Just try to refine the teeth and eyes/eyebrows so they're a little cleaner.

Also, when making battle sprites, you need to displace the further foot and his right eyebrow/eye upwards a bit. If you alter features accordingly, this gives the illusion of depth. Look at some official sprites and you'll see what I mean.

Do you plan to finish the overworld for this? (Gold Beanie palettes wouldn't be a bad idea, either.)

EDIT: Make sure they're the right size; you might need to make them a little bigger, but I'm not sure. Just get a good size comparison (use battle sprites, overworld in SS is chibi and disproportionate).
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Oct 8 2012, 8:35 PM
I do. I actually goofed and forgot to finish the other directions for the overworld sprites.
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Nov 2 2012, 4:22 AM
Nice you will, I created my own version of Beanies and your going to be amazed about it.
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