Number of comments:
[Graphic] Yet Another SMB1 Styled Princess Peach Posted by: SuperDaltonMaker at Feb 17 2025, 1:56 AM
Ain't bad, but clever job 👍
[Game] Super Mario Bros. Wonderland 1987 Posted by: luigiman23 at Feb 15 2025, 3:23 PM
please add fullscreen support
[Graphic] SMW - Slightly Redesigned Mario Posted by: kamgmer at Feb 15 2025, 2:45 PM
AMAZING! I hope more power ups come soon :)
[Game] Super Mario 64 Plus Posted by: AnonymousOne at Feb 15 2025, 8:44 AM
I had no trouble compiling it recently on Windows 10 and Linux (Manjaro, currently I used "manjaro-xfce-24.2.1-241216-linux612.iso" ; even a Debian 12 based distro, which is LMDE6 (Linux Mint Debian Edition) worked) to get a working copy of this game on both Windows and Linux. I did both of mine through a virtual machine. I suggest setting up Manjaro for example (this will build the Linux version though as I imagine most people reading this will want the Windows build so they can play it on Windows) in a virtual machine (VirtualBox is popular software on Windows but I used QEMU/KVM on Linux to run my Windows 10 and Manjaro VM's) as that should just work with no problems once you get the correct 'z64' file.

I run a Ubuntu based Linux distro in general which would fail to compile the game but worked once I used Manjaro and Windows 10 in a virtual machine temporarily. so now I have working versions of both the Windows and Linux. the Windows one I can tweak whether it uses DirectX11, DirectX12 or OpenGL through the 'settings.ini' file as, at least on my Linux system using the Windows EXE through a Wine variation, 0 is DirectX11, 1 is DirectX12 and 2 is OpenGL on the... graphics_backend = "0" part. DirectX11 has poor performance but DirectX12 and OpenGL run well. I am sticking with OpenGL since that seems optimal and one has to tweak fullscreen to "true" (in the same ini file) otherwise it runs in windowed mode. but on the Linux port it defaults to using OpenGL on my Linux desktop PC with the default "0" on 'graphics_backend' along with using fullscreen so I don't need to adjust that through the ini file as it's good out of the box.

basically follow the following instructions and it will work for both 'Windows' for Windows users and 'Linux' for Linux users... ; when you get a hold of the 'z64' file (which is the game data as it's about 8MB in size) I just rename it to "" and that file goes into the root of the 'sm64plus' folder (described in Step's 4 and 5). also, once it's done you only need the "us_pc" folder which is mentioned in 'Step 7' for the game to work as you can copy this to a USB stick or zip it for future use.

additionally/optionally I suggest using the HD texture pack (i.e. ; which after applying to the game it's about 3xxMB in size instead of around 50MB by default) and it cleans up the visuals a bit and especially when it comes to in game text and the hud as the defaults are a bit weak/pixelated but look great after applying that and this graphics mod keeps the core visuals inline with the games old school look.

but to use this graphics mod what I have been doing is just rename the 'gfx' folder (which is in the main folder you want to keep, which is 'us_pc' which contains the games main exe etc) to "gfx_orig" and then extract that zip file to the 'us_pc' folder. once done, copy the THREE folders inside of "gfx_orig" and paste it into "gfx" but DO NOT let it overwrite anything. once that's done it should generally work as I noticed without doing that copy of the "gfx_orig" data to "gfx" that when starting the game the main Super Mario 64 intro logo is sort of black and does not look right. but after doing that, it appears as normal once again. while I have not thoroughly tested that mod on this PC port (although I used it to play through a good portion of the game so far on Dolphin emulator with no obvious problems), even if you have problems it's easy to revert to this PC ports default textures by simply renaming "gfx" to "gfx_faulty" and "gfx_orig" to "gfx".

also, if I recall correctly one time I tried starting the Windows version exe on my Linux PC it complained about some graphics issue with a error screen and then quit and you could not play. but I solved that by simply deleting the games configuration stuff which I think is 'AppData' location etc. just be careful on what you delete as the games save data is 'savedata.bin' as it's very small at 512 bytes. but on the Windows version I am using on Linux through a Wine variation stores the 'savedata.bin' in the root of the game directory where the exe is, where as the native Linux port goes to "~/.config/SM64Plus/". I would assume there will be no problems with the save data interchanging should one want to change from Linux to Windows port or vice versa.

but I think this 'MorsGames' version is the all around best version of Super Mario 64 because where it shines over others is it has 60fps support (the game was originally 30fps) and free camera movement to the left/right using controllers right analog stick which helps you more precisely guide Mario around the levels. I am using a 8BitDo Ultimate 2C wired controller (set in Xinput mode) to play this game on Linux and it works well out of the box with no further configuration needed.

additionally another good thing about the PC port vs Dolphin emulated one (wad file which is the Wii virtual console) is on Dolphin when moving Mario it goes from a very slow walk to a run a bit too quickly, which makes it a little harder to control (not a show stopper though), where as on the PC port it's easier to go from a slow walk, to a quicker walk, to a jog, to full run speed.

the USA z64 files MD5 file hash should be precisely... 20b854b239203baf6c961b850a4a51a2 ; if yours matches that it will work in building the game. even if you cant find the z64 file and can only find the more common n64 etc files on random sites online, you can use the following site to convert it to 'z64' so it works with this MorsGames PC port...

p.s. the BLJ (Backwards Long Jump) exploit still works on this PC port as I just quickly tested it a moment ago on the door that requires 70 stars to access as if you have less than 70 stars the game won't normally allow access to that last Bowser level and if you try running up those stairs it will just run up them indefinitely as that's the way the game is designed. but once you use the BLJ exploit you can gain access to that last Bowser level with less than 70 stars. it's how people can finish the game with less than the normal requirement of 70 stars minimum to finish the game when played normally.
[Game] Super Mario Bros. Wonderland 1987 Posted by: ByeBye at Feb 13 2025, 11:48 AM
Love your re-imaginings! Are you working on any others? :)
[Game] Mario Kart: Speed Strife Posted by: oyqea at Feb 13 2025, 5:22 AM
Real talk, though... WHO'S VANESSA?!

EDIT: Okay, I found out who Vanessa is. For those who don't know or haven't seen the end credits, Vanessa Stepside is an original character from the Cliax Codec series by independent development team Cliax Games, with DJ Coco himself being one of the members of said team.
[Graphic] Playable Peach SMB Posted by: Marlio at Feb 11 2025, 6:49 PM
Quote (RedChan on Feb 17 2021, 10:38 AM)
i fell like fire peach suold look like how it looks in this sheet

I think they went with this way to abide by the NES rule of only 3 colors (and transparent) can be in a sprite's palette (which that sheet breaks by one color).
[Graphic] Kopejo Grassland Tileset 2025 Posted by: BrandonLthings at Feb 11 2025, 4:03 PM
This looks absolutely amazing
[Game] The Purple Coin - Club Saturn Edition (2021 Update) Posted by: Miles at Feb 10 2025, 4:45 PM
Quote (AropaTowerGuy on Jan 25 2025, 7:00 PM)
can you do tas in this game without your score shown in highscores bcs idk if thats cheating.

I would prefer that people not TAS this game, but there is an option to turn off online high scores so you can safely do it without affecting the score table.

(That said, if someone does TAS it for some reason, show me, I wonder what it would look like)
[Graphic] Small Waluigi Posted by: waluigi_post_69 at Feb 10 2025, 1:32 PM
the electrified waluigi looks sans XD, very good sprites bro
[Graphic] SMB1 40th Anniversary Sprites (Multiple Styles) Posted by: waluigi_post_69 at Feb 10 2025, 1:27 PM
very good ʌʌ
[Graphic] SMW - Slightly Redesigned Mario Posted by: VannyArts at Feb 10 2025, 6:25 AM
Quote (Unoriginal_Fox on Feb 9 2025, 3:44 PM)
very nice, I like how Cape Mario looks

...however Cape Mario's helmet appears to cease to exist when he looks up while holding something

yea, I already fixed it up and a few, the update's still on queue tho
[Game] Super Mario Bros Mini Posted by: A Guy Called Klaz at Feb 9 2025, 9:34 PM
it's peam
[Graphic] SMW - Slightly Redesigned Mario Posted by: Unoriginal_Fox at Feb 9 2025, 3:44 PM
very nice, I like how Cape Mario looks

...however Cape Mario's helmet appears to cease to exist when he looks up while holding something
[Graphic] SMW - Countdown Platform (Yoshi's Island) Posted by: JumperK at Feb 9 2025, 10:00 AM
Great work as always, Vanny.
My only complaint is that it's only limited to 4 numbers, but it's not a big deal.
[Game] Thingio Side A: Let's Go! Thingio! Posted by: n sixties 4 at Feb 8 2025, 11:54 PM
Can someone please help me run this in 2025? I have no idea how to run this.
[Graphic] SMM Costume Peach Extended Posted by: PBEK123 at Feb 7 2025, 2:08 PM
sprite with dlc adquired, very cool
[Graphic] Kopejo Grassland Tileset 2025 Posted by: WiktorTheLeanMonsta at Feb 3 2025, 9:30 PM
Quote (VannyArts on Jan 31 2025, 8:17 AM)

yes. that is real.
[Game] Super Mario: Journey of the Hyper Stars (2.0) Posted by: Yoshi50Windows Official at Feb 2 2025, 8:59 PM
Quote (Nojo Nortu on Sep 11 2022, 11:11 AM)
it is good for 2006 gamemaker game, but there are minor problems like sometimes when you jump up to a ground or land at the edge of the pipe< you might get stuck for few seconds, and for most levels you can noclip through the barrier with the star without pushing the yellow button, and other problems are just not so much problem and no missing textures or anything, it is just a very fine gamemaker game from 2006
It is not a gamemaker game, it was made in The Games Factory 2 or so
[Graphic] Kopejo Grassland Tileset 2025 Posted by: DeviousQuacks23 at Feb 1 2025, 9:38 AM
This... this is beautiful. One of the most pretty tilesets I've ever seen.