Review Information
Game Reviewed N/A, by N/A
Review Author HylianDev
Created Jul 2 2016, 3:08 AM

General Commentary and Game Overview
A good joke game, though it might not go down in the history books the same way some others have.
Pros + Gameplay worked well
+ It was funny!
+ Graphics and sound were pleasing, which isn't always the case with joke games
Cons - Rigid difficulty at times
7 / 10
Pretty good. Nothing groundbreaking or too original.
7 / 10
Not bad for "bad" graphics.
7 / 10
SilvaGunner! Though you're probably gonna get really tired of I Am The Walrus, if that's even possible.
6 / 10
I would check it out again, though it probably won't be sitting on the shelf next to Waligie.
Final Words
7 / 10
It good 👍

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