Review Information
Game Reviewed SMB Frustration, by Newoaf
Review Author Soiyeruda
Created Nov 1 2008, 1:49 PM

General Commentary and Game Overview
SMB Frustration sounds more frustrating than it actually is.

There is only one level, which is incredibly short, and provides very little challenge.

To be....or not be be frustrating?

Let's find out!
Pros None, really. Uhm.....
+ Halloween themed?
Cons - Misleading title (it's really easy)
- What appears to be Hello's SMB Engine, which has currently been overused recently.
1 / 10
Let's just get straight to the point. It was very below average.

There's only one level. The level just features a bunch of fire bars, enemies, pipes you can't go down, and poison mushrooms. They are placed in such a manner to appear hard. They're very easy to bypass however. The only way it'll seem hard is if you rush in without thinking for two seconds.

What you'll find the most are small tiny traps that try to kill you. In the very beginning, you'll immediately be faced with a poison mushroom coming your way, which, if you haven't played for the first time, will most likely run into. After that, it's very simple.

This game uses Hello's SMB Engine, if I'm correct. The physics play about the same. This basically only makes the game appear more bogus than it needs to be.

The engine, topped with the basic remake-esque level design makes this game incredibly bland, and similar to other "hell-inspired" Mario fangames, which are just as ridiculously short.

At the end, you'll find a highscore table, which is begging to have your "high" score put onto it. Then the game just quits itself.

Is this a Happy Halloween? Mmmm....not so much.
2 / 10
Most of the graphics are SMB tilesets. Some things are just random edits. For example, at the flag at the end, you'll find it is replaced with the US Flag. The background is a bunch of fire, which fits with the theme, but looks out of place.

There is also a random skull that flies by near the beginning. Is the skull really necessary? It doesn't fit in with the game.

The one thing I hate the most: the preset Game Maker effects and textboxes. I cannot express how much I absolutely dislike these graphics. They look like crap, don't really fit in with anything, and are merely there for lazy novices to say: "Look! Mario 3D!"

Overall, graphics: Overused, preset, or just don't fit in.
2 / 10
The music is from a Samus game. It sorta fits in.

The sound effects (not very many), are mostly overused, for the most part, and I personally thing new ones are in order.

The death melody is beginning to get annoying, for it has been overused for quite some time.

Overall: Not very exciting.
1 / 10
That depends. Would you like to get a highscore that isn't online, for a small, short, game that is very easy?
Well, then this is the game for you!
If not, then just move on. There isn't much to see here.
Final Words
1 / 10
Anything in this game, I've seen already. Not that unique.

No Icon
General Mush H Ead
Nov 3 2008, 7:19 PM
Ditto. Agree.
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