Review Information
Game Reviewed You VS Boo, by Flipiberke
Review Author Matthew Coburn
Created Jan 9 2007, 8:37 AM

General Commentary and Game Overview
The best minigame I've ever seen. NES SMB 8-bit GFX, very nice sound, you name it, it's a treat to play this game. I hope the author continues extending the game into a full version. Now, just to find Luigi....
Pros Great Sound, as it mimics the Gameboy Colour's sound output (32000khz). The engine behind all this is a very advanced one, I expect. The fact that it's interface is shaped like a Nintendo DS, it wants me to play my poor worn-out DS again. :)
Cons Very game has it's glitches. I understand that a 100% non-glitched game is very hard to make, however, the author should see if they could change the deaccellation values and other minor things.
9 / 10
Solid, and when I mean solid, solid as a rock. Best controls in a minigame I've played (I can play this with 1 hand!)
8 / 10
The GFX Mimics SMB on NES which was 16-colour (The same colour setting as a fresh Windows 98 install.) Mario's suit however should be Blue/Red.
8 / 10
Classic SMB NES Sounds. 'Ding' for the coins, 'Boing' for the Jump, etc. Very nice.
9 / 10
VERY addictive, once you play it, you cant stop (until your laptop's battery runs out).
Final Words
10 / 10
Very sweet game, and I'd like future games from the author to be a good as this one.

10 / 10.

No Icon
Jan 20 2007, 8:53 PM
you are so friggin right but i was too lazy to make a review
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True Mario
Jun 30 2007, 2:17 AM
A 100% non-glitched game isn't too hard to make. Well, 95% anyway.
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