Review Information
Game Reviewed MarioQuest, by Thunder Dragon
Review Author Willy Goldwater
Created Sep 27 2003, 3:02 AM

General Commentary and Game Overview
Along the line of fun, this game surely reaches a high point... but that point only goes so high.
Pros Going throughout the levels and experiencing some pretty wacky things will keep you absolutely entertained.
Cons Graphics are horribly arranged along with annoying ballmovement enemies.
9 / 10
Game play brings up the score somewhat. Massive levels and fun minigames throughout Mario's quest keep the game from becoming stale. Of course, the bosses were strangely created and didn't seem to be that fun to do.
6 / 10
Graphics are not a favorible part in this game. They seem to have been chucked here and there for faster completion. Also, all enemies have one thing in common, Ball Movement. Even the bosses just bounce around the screen and shoot random items at you. Not to graphically great at all.
4 / 10
Very little sound really, except the annoying sound of each fireball being launched.
8 / 10
Although the graphics may be a downer, the gameplay is a great reason to play this game again.
Final Words
7 / 10
This game is will certainly keep you entertained, so download and enjoy!

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