Super Mario: Journey of the Hyper Stars (2.0)
By: King Piranha Plant
This game was made in 2006. It's very sloppy and hilariously buggy, but a lost MFGG classic with some childish charm. This is a new extended version!

Worth playing for a laugh at the story/dialogue, which I wrote as a kid and left untouched.

The new version contains 2 worlds, Starlight Valley and Lava Piranha Land. I also touched the gameplay up a little to make the terrible TGF engine a tad less frustrating.
Completion: Scrapped Genre: Adventure
Franchise: Mario

Update History
08/27/21  Realized there were a few issues I needed to fix in the game, and wanted to change the opening message, so I updated the file. Sorry for updating on the same day as submitting!
[O] Created: Aug 9 2021, 9:22 PM
[O] Updated: Never
[O] File Size: 5.15MB
[O] Views: 17970
[O] Downloads: 2141
[O] Plays: 0
[O] Favorites: 0

Author Summary Score
Roo It's definitely a game from 2006. 5 / 10
Average Score 5 / 10

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Nojo Nortu
Sep 11 2022, 11:11 AM
it is good for 2006 gamemaker game, but there are minor problems like sometimes when you jump up to a ground or land at the edge of the pipe< you might get stuck for few seconds, and for most levels you can noclip through the barrier with the star without pushing the yellow button, and other problems are just not so much problem and no missing textures or anything, it is just a very fine gamemaker game from 2006
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