Review Information
Game Reviewed MFGG 10th Anniversary Time Capsule, by Thunder Dragon, Kritter, DJ Yoshiman, ShadowMan, Klobber, RII
Review Author RandomClam
Created Jul 20 2011, 5:56 PM

General Commentary and Game Overview
MFGG 10th Anniversary Time Capsule: a collection of 11 historic games made by MFGG's earliest members, simply for the thrill of creating them. As the intro says, the games are glitchy and unpolished, and may even be considered "crap", but that's really not the point of the submission.
Pros - Large collection of historic games
- Intro screens tell some interesting info about each game
- Waligie 3
Cons - Games are glitchy, some even unplayable and broken
8 / 10
Well, where to begin. There's a wide range of games here. Although the majority of them are platformers, each of them are still unique in a way. All of the games were creations of Nintendo fans who had a blast simply making their own games. Honestly, pretty much every game is glitchy, even the prototype of Toad Strikes Back. Some of them are even unplayable due to the glitches. The thing is, there weren't any hello engines back then to base fangames off of. The games were created completely by the hard work of the creators. There is a wide variety of history here. You get to play an early Toad Strikes Back, one of the Waligie games, and a fangame that existed before MFGG even did. The whole experience is great.
7 / 10
Again, there's variety. Among other things, you see Super Mario World, RPG, and Yoshi's Island graphics. Then there's Waligie 3, which uses google images and real life pictures. Pretty much every game has its own look, though.
7 / 10
The intro plays Super Mario Galaxy music (Gusty Garden), which is a nice choice. Each game has pretty different music. You have traditional Mario MIDIs, and then you have Waligie 3, with its strange collection of sounds.
10 / 10
Lots of it. There's 11 games, which amounts to a lot of play time. Sadly, some games are unplayable or unfinished.
Final Words
8 / 10
This is a wonderful collection of MFGG history, particularly for people like me who became members this year.

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