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Jun 21 2020, 6:56 PM See Page
I have remade all the blocks but I've kept the old ones as "legacy" content. The new sprites are placed on the top of this sheet.
Sep 14 2013, 4:10 PM See Page
Quote (Marios Fanatic on Sep 4 2013, 12:46 AM)
Onde você conseguiu o alfabeto com a letra do super mario? (Tô escrevendo assim porque sou brasileiro)

eu que fiz
Aug 21 2013, 8:28 PM See Page
submitting something despite not being the best doesn't qualify as 'ironic'; that's part of the learning curve and even then, none of the sheets here, including my submissions, are really 'the best'

about the sprites, it's really simple and all, and too reminescent of SMB3 blocks. I take that the color is sampled from that game. They do look ok but have in mind that this kinda overdone nowadays.

I don't understand that white dots in the top left corner of the blocks. Those are supposed to be dithering, but in a sprite small like that, I don't think you really need it. It doesn't really like a highlight either. Remove it or make it a solid line.
Aug 15 2013, 4:23 PM See Page
what you 'think' should be obvious. If you have to attach 'I think' after what you said, then it's not obvious enough imo

really, if I didn't know he was Mario, I'd think it was a guy with a really weird smile.

There's a reason NES Marios made his nose big. Exactly for readability issues. Basically this dude here did exactly the opposite Nintendo did, by making his nose not as apparent, the mustache now can also be a mouth and it looks weird as hell
Aug 15 2013, 4:20 PM See Page
"Also, i made it in PAINT"

I'll be honest, I thought no one used this excuse anymore

MS Paint is perfectly capable for what I am telling you to do. I am tired of people going 'wah wah i did it in paint thats why it looks bad wah'. What I am telling you do do is that since the lines are often oblique in a character such as Whomp, you must use antialiasing (ANTIALIASING IN PIXELART IS DONE BY HAND) to smoothen it.

Also calm your tits because it is indeed pillowshaded. Or else where do you think the light is coming from? That tiny ridge of light color isn't enough btw

Notice how you shaded around the Whomp, and left the middle lighter than it. That is pillowshading. Sure, it's hard to make something whose perspective is exactly frontal, but you should work on it.

It honestly seems like you grabbed the colors from a screenshot instead of picking the colors yourself (I'm not saying you did it, I'm saying it looks like) due to the really weak contrast and little hueshift.

I also forgot to say that his face is really rough and some smoothening would be great.
Aug 14 2013, 4:42 AM See Page
Let me be the only one who will go against the flow and say those are bad. But I'll say why they are bad, don't worry.

First of all, your shading is completely ruined because you pillowshaded it. There is no visible pightsource and thus the light seems to be coming from his insides, which is really weird.

The lack of contrast between shades also makes him look soft. Hard, sloid things must have a lot of contrast, and Whomp is literally a slab of stone. The red in the eye should be brighter, as a red glowing light, and have some rock texturing.

Whomps are really straight in nature so that also forces you to use anti-aliasing to properly animate them in those diagonal poses. I also doubt you actually animated them before making this sheet. You never make animations if you can't proof-animate it. Capiche?

I hope this helped you.
Aug 13 2013, 2:00 PM See Page
Then sure! Let him make subpar mario sprites for the sake of his 'style' which isn't anything but a pile of excuses to make Mario not look like Mario! Yes!

Thanks for reminding me why I left this place.
Aug 13 2013, 11:24 AM See Page
Are you kidding me

"It doesn't need a nose.Every mario sprite dosn't have to have a nose."

this was the most asinine comment I've ever seen in my entire f*cking life

A style does not invalidate character traits and appearances, no matter how it is. This is bullcrap. Really.

Mario is only Mario becuase he has red cap, blue overalls, mustache and a huge nose to accompany it. Without them, he cannot be Mario. If so, I could rip Mario's nose, shave his stache, give him other clothes and make him not jump anymore because "that's my style". This is not only a sh*tty excuse, it's just proof that you are lazy as hell.

If you are making Mario sprites, then you could at least start by spriting Mario.

Also the sprite sheet lacks so many essential poses, I wonder why this was even accepted in first place.
Jul 28 2013, 1:29 PM See Page
This all happens because SMW's sprites are terrible in first place

the problem is that by increasing its size, the problems also increase tenfold so it simply becomes an eyesore.

I get that you are trying to be loyel to the sprites, but if it's left out like this, then it'll just look ugly.
Jul 26 2013, 5:24 PM See Page
First of all, Valtteri, I'm glad that you didn't blow up like 90% of the internet would. This is a huge impact for any artist, and you should be aware of this.

the biggest offender in those sprites, is the shading. Shading is a technique to represent 3D objects within a 2D media, which is the computer screen. So, the shadows should 'wrap' the character as it were a real object or animal.

This being said, the Koopa's face is shaded from all sides, and there is no fixed lightsource. Usually, sprites are shaded with a lightsource in the top-front position in relation to sprites. When you shade every side like that, it's known as pillowshading and it's the worst way to shade, as it makes your sprite look really flat and unnatural. As if the koopas weren't characters, and rather buttons or drawings on a wall.

One thing that novice spriters forget when upscaling a sprite (making a small sprite bigger), is to add more details on it. Small sprites have the details simplified so it is readable, even in a small space. With the size doubled, obviously you have more space to put details on, and you should have been taking advantage of that. Give the turtles 4 walking frames, for example.

Your lines are jaggy too, especially on the shell, and the overall detailing is too simple.

As for you only getting praise from this work, this means that the people who saw this has no critical thinking and/or notions of art to grasp what I mentioned. They just see it with normal eyes. I, and many others here, are seeing this with pixelartist eyes. We know what's wrongly placed, or why it is (because fixing a problem isn't just knowing how to fix it, and also why it's used and why it should be avoided).

Quill, then you were just going along the people. Just because many say his work is great, it doesn't mean that OP's work isn't problem-free. It isn't wrong to like something faulty, but it isn't right to say it's flawless just because you say so.
Jul 26 2013, 2:53 PM See Page
Quote (Quill on Jul 20 2013, 3:01 PM)
If you're going to criticize someone's work, Shadow Kami, at least use some decent grammar and spelling.

As for the sprites, they look great! These could be used for a Giant Land or something, which is cool.

The sprites also respect the original ones, which is always a good thing.

You should probably look at Valtteri's other works, Shadow Kami. His work is excellent and I find it funny that you're treating him like some kind of idiot when I'm certain what he makes is far superior to what you make.

That's what criticism is. It's pointing out the good and bad parts of the sprite in order to make it better. It's not offense, it's not attacks on his work, and for sure it isn't a race to see who makes better sprites.

Kami's c+c is concise, doesn't offend the creator, points the flaws and helps the OP how to improve. If you want to sugarcoat the shit out of it, that's not criticism.

Look, I am all for a little fun and spriting and stuff, but this is something I don't tolerate. Because by blocking useful comments like Kami's and telling OP he's great, disregarding all the issues within his work, is horrible and will damage his artistic skill in the long run. If you continue to praise him mindlessly for his job, then he'll stagnate, will not want to do better (because he'll believe he already is the best). Always be honest, say what you don't like, you'll be doing him a huge favor.

As for OP, your sprites are really subpar indeed. I suggest you listen to the criticisms as a whole. Don't pick just what makes you happy. We are given the ability to comment especially to give pointers on how to make you better, and that's how we'll use it.

I wish you the best.
Jun 15 2009, 9:17 PM See Page
haha, it's okay. The sprites are good, and it would still be good if I didn't make my sprites. So, you can keep the sheet at it is :)
Jun 13 2009, 11:48 PM See Page
well, I'm pretty sure he/she meant Comments and Criticisms.

Nice work, they look a bit like my sprites :o
Jan 3 2009, 12:34 PM See Page
I know, but if the Chomp attacked like that, the chain should stretch until it reaches its maximum, right?
Jan 2 2009, 12:17 PM See Page
Locoroo, you're being annoying. The 'problems' you listed aren't problems. This one is actually pretty good.
You could make the lines smoother and use less colors. You need to fix a constant lightsource (the top of his head is shaded when his arm in the hiding pose isn't). The shading should be smoother.
Jan 2 2009, 12:11 PM See Page
There is no shading, antialiasing, it's made with MS Paint line tool, the chain isn't 'free enough'...
Jan 2 2009, 12:09 PM See Page
That's pretty bad, sir. I suggest you getting a program to rotate stuff (Game Maker, for example) and read some spriting tutorials.
Since the Bullet Bill and the cannon is made with steel, you should increase contrast on the shades (change from black to white quickly) and make that white shiny look. The inflating sprites doesn't look good, it gives the impression that the cannon is made with rubber. I know the YI one does that too, but it's not that extreme. Bullet Bill needs to be rounder (said before) and have more contrast (again, said before).
Jan 2 2009, 12:02 PM See Page
Quote (Yoshi Superstar* on Dec 31 2008, 5:23 PM)
what the heck does pillowing mean? and i see your submissions on this site, and there all awful.

This doesn't change the fact your sprites need work. He gave decent criticism there, and you should take it.
Dec 29 2008, 11:45 AM See Page
I don't like the colors you've chosen for the effects, and the wrinkles on his robe needs to change when walking. Anyhoo, pretty decent.

PS: some places are pillowed; fix that, too.
Dec 29 2008, 11:43 AM See Page
the rotating sprites aren't good, too.
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